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Snow Memories...

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

Here in Ohio, we are preparing for a winter storm this weekend! I love the beauty and stillness that comes with snow-covered ground. I believe that God sends us a bit of snow from time to time as a reminder to slow down and take time to enjoy simply being at home.

My childhood memories of Little House on the Prairie come flooding back every time we have a snow storm. I devoured the book series and watched every episode of the TV show - several times. Winter storms make me thing about Pa, Ma, Laura, Mary, Carrie, and Grace snuggled up in their warm cabin.

Winter storms at our house hold sweet memories and anticipation of snuggles by the fireplace, warm tartan blankets, good books, sweet treats, candlelight, hearty soup, and plenty of tea.

"It was so wonderful to be there, safe at home, sheltered from the winds and the cold. Laura thought that this must be a little like heaven, where the weary are at rest". - Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Long Winter

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